Happy Birthday Earth!

Airplanes fly at a maximum altitude of 60,000 feet which is almost 18.288 km. So, jet with me Earthlings, we have a special birthday to celebrate; the planet we live on, the third rock from the sun, the pale blue dot, the first and last pit-stop, and home to everyone, like it or not! IContinue reading “Happy Birthday Earth!”


(Tones of an ode and birthday cutesy with a curtsy post to a beloved virtual sister, a fellow blogger, awesome soul, good friend, historian, and an incredible writer! Caution Twas long but fun!) Welcome to your first on-line coronation, (mine too) … and happy weekend for all of you! Please be seated or if podcasting,Continue reading “Halo”

Kings & Queens

There was an evident chill in the crisp air that end of March, at the affluent country club hills community for the retired, oh and rich. You should have seen the expressions on all the seniors faces as SWAT rolled up. Their target, a fallen demented queen; hiding out, breaking all the rules, was beingContinue reading “Kings & Queens”

Rodger That!

Spoiler alert and don’t read any further, unless you finished the second season of Traitors Australia or stay, get cozy, and “watch” for my killer interpretations. We’ll graciously gather around another bodacious buffet while attendees are either seduced into murderous schemes or banished for all eternity. Our debonair and dashing host is an actor, butContinue reading “Rodger That!”


I felt the earth move under my feet last evening … Two rumbles, shakes, or the earths cores giant heartbeat. I know I’ve lived in California my whole life and everywhere else I have travelled all ask about our earthquakes. I’ve only felt a few, and yes San Francisco’s in the world series for sure!Continue reading “Milkshake”

Cake or Death

A long time ago and in a land not far away, nestled betwixt the golden hills, was my family’s creamery. An ideal aromatic haven for desserts, syrupy aficionados, and dessert extraordinaries’. Just one of my many favorite chosen professions, confections, and creative concoctions. We would have special orders out the door for my mums’ awesomeContinue reading “Cake or Death”

Rott Wild!

Easter was always special, my gram made so. We would receive three baskets, all slightly different variations and tailored specifically to the intended in mind. My sister (Coco) loved purple and munched speckled jellybeans, as my awesome brother (Bucky) gorged on M&M’s, I would savor the cashews and raisins. There would be shiny brand-new penniesContinue reading “Rott Wild!”

Good (TGIF) Friday!

“May the spirit of Good Friday guide you towards a brighter path.” “May the grace of Good Friday touch your heart and soul.” “Thinking of you on this Good Friday and hoping it brings you inner peace.” “May the lessons of sacrifice and compassion resonate with you on this Good Friday.” “Sending you heavenly wishesContinue reading “Good (TGIF) Friday!”

Starship Trooper

I have famous friends! You can’t be too surprised; I am the ghostwriter in the sky! For whom recently is back working on land for the moment or just for this tale or till the wind blows for another sail. (The “man-ager” doesn’t know I’m here, shush) The story hails from sunny and crisp Orangevale,Continue reading “Starship Trooper”

‘Blaze Of Glory’

Outrunning four angry wives and nine or more starving children is never easy, and word to the wise, never will be. If you gotta get out of dodge or a double take to my late grandpappy, then we better get, and only two walking boots, to get us there … If ya know what IContinue reading “‘Blaze Of Glory’”