“Love Rollercoaster”

So long ago, our ancient ancestors whispered lovingly into the stars; blowing legends of old, like wishes off a dandelion flower, that spoke of a “land”, more like realms on a 12 bucket-seat Ferris wheel in the gargantuan and awesome Milky Way galaxy’s theme-park for the sacred and celestial zodiac signs. The zodiac is a system of divination used to determine “traits” and the influence that each of the lucky 13 astrological signs has on humankind.

Yup, you read correctly; some argue that due to the precession of the Earth’s axis, the sun’s path through the sky, known as the ecliptic, now passes through a thirteenth constellation, Ophiuchus (please do not ask me to pronounce), which is situated between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The idea of a 13th sign, Ophiuchus, remains more of an astronomical observation rather than an astrological one, and please do not ask me to explain the difference. However, I do know an expert … marvellousnightmare

This post pertains to the stellar sign of “Moon Children” and a particular focus on the gorgeous girl who rules said homestead (itsamyisaid). The Ghost Writer in The Sky just happens to be the “carnie” working the otherworldly wheel and happily holds your hand whilst you get seated within the vessel. Please keep your heads-hands-arms-legs inside the “carriage” at all times, oh … and don’t mind that NDA along with your warranty; flew right out the back window along with the other umpteen browsers you still have open.

She’s regal, loyal, and her intelligence runneth over. Witty, colorful, fun, that’s Amy! At first glance, one would think they stepped off the ride that enters the ideal and imagined Snow White’s cottage, but where do you think Disney got his inspiration!?

Walking up a picturesque, pebbled path, lit with quaint flowers and blooms all with illuminating genuine smiles. I’m pretty sure that perfect purple Pansie just winked at me while the bright golden monkey-faced orchid laughed! Don’t be swayed by the Darth Vader plants that when the galactic winds blow through, sound like they’re echoing, “Luke” … but I asked for clarification, they spell it as, “Look”! They’re gossiping about the naked man orchids, but that’s another day all things unique flowers.

Don’t knock over Basil the sweet piggy and in this realm can reawaken quite squiggly! You should here the squeals of glee coming from the little kids when Basil oinks and springs to life! They cheer him on as he chases the crows, who love to taunt the kids with candy that is. In fact, there’s an entire candy shop for miles! A rainbow conveyor belt with every kind of sugary confection created and eventually devoured. No worries, calories don’t exist here. All five gazillion stars and not one unhappy or sour soul in sight.

The magic garden a showstopper you couldn’t fathom and lines that interact with the trees who just happen to be over-actors. Out the door around the block; watch out for the asteroid belt!

A petting zoo where every animal has their own podcast, oh and a few have fan clubs bigger than the Kardashians! (Shout-out to Khloe)

As a child herself of the moon, within Cancer’s gates we get to roam the dark side for once. BTW, recently theorized that earth had in her way distant past, two moons (twins!) … and little sister smacked into her older brother creating the lunar miracle we marvel at each night and hopefully forevermore! (Zooming props to Unexplained!)

That snazzy wristband you’re sporting allows access to all the rides, teleports you into the chicest parties, epic sporting events, and space fashion fleek is being held upon Titan (Saturn’s largest moon). And an Irish goodbye is expected, but the party never dies for all eternity!

Chosen tune; “Love Rollercoaster” was covered by American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers for the soundtrack of the 1996 animated movie Beavis and Butt-Head Do America. For whatever reason, this snatchy jingle reminds me of you, Amy ❤ … I hope you enjoy! The best music derived from musings over the moon and likely penned, most definitely inspired, by the genius Cancer “gang-gang”.

While the rollercoaster of love zooms all through the moon (heard it’s hollow!) … Thank Amy by throwing your hands in the air, like you just don’t care, while zipping through the starry skies; wait for it … and FLASH! (Mental picture taken) Happy Summer Everybody and Happy Birthday Cancers!

Published by SiriusSea

Many moons ago and in a faraway land, I used to write about all things wonderous to the world and I am back to stir the seven seas of wonderment once more. As the storms pass through, I set my compass and my sights upon and beyond Sirius Sea! Welcome aboard!

49 thoughts on ““Love Rollercoaster”

  1. This was wonderfully written and illustrated. The images were beautiful and perfectly matched, keeping me entertained from beginning to end.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Awww, what a beautiful tribute to Cancers, and Happy Birthday, Amy! 😊 Love your images and fantastical and whimsical story-telling as always Sirius, my beautiful sister whose soul is so full of light! ❤️ We are truly blessed to have you among us, when you pen all your gorgeously visually stunning tales for us! Forevermore

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Every and each one of your posts is a wonderful journey which I feel so honored to share with you! What a wonderful, elegant, cute and thoughtful dedication to Amy ❤ Happy Birthday to Amy! 🙂
    And thank you for linking me to your post ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  4. wow…and aaaaw….a beautiful gesture and wonderful wishes, SS….
    I’ve decided I’m changing my birth month and sign…to every month and every sign lol🤭😂.

    journeying through this realm to leave here…light hearted now…thank you for the joy you share…some come at a price…but the best ones are those shared freely….🙏🤍🌷

    Happiest birthday, Amy🎉🌷🤍

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Oh my goodness, Siri! I am so touched I’m speechless. This is amazing and such a nice gift, and you are such a kind soul. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I will cherish it forever. May I share it to my Instagram? I have to listen to that song because I’ve never heard of it before right now.) I am in tears, but they’re happy tears.(Cancers always cry.) Thanks again so much. You have no idea how much I needed this today. ♥️♥️♥️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. My absolute pleasure, Amy ❤ … I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your hilarious prompts … I mean the joy you give is infectious and desperately needed (lol)! I pray you have the best birthday ever and your summer is better than ever! Love to you and yours always !!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m so glad that I can bring you some joy with my prompt responses! it’s my hope to always be able to do that. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I’m a July cancer so we have a little bit of time, but this is the best birthday present ever. Love you and yours right back! ♥️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I figured as much, My Gram was 7/21 and said she was a lot like a Leo (LOL) … so, I have truly associated July with Cancer, but I wanted to make sure I was on-time! I gotta feeling … it’s going to get gooood ~ 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I hope so! It’s funny, you might find this interesting. I only have Cancer Sun and Rising. The rest of my chart is fire and air. I have no earth. I am probably the most fiery cancer that has ever existed! I can totally relate to your Gram – I have several Leo placements. Thank you again for this. It’s so awesome! ♥️♥️♥️

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Soooo interesting, Ana ❤ (new theory from Daddy Shatner) Our awesome moon that we see is the first twin and the second moon (supposedly earth had a few eons ago or so … my math might be off) that orbited too close behind and it's that moon which is the face of the dark-side. I hope we earthlings will find out! But that could explain some "things" … haha!

      Liked by 2 people

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