I Hope You Dance

I love dancing and all forms of. I find that movement in its various styles, intentional, subliminal, and otherwise or all the above … captivating, inspiring, therapeutic, picturesque and poetic to the max! Expressively poignant and each and every detail, micro expression, is an interpretation all on its own and for that serendipitous moment inContinue reading “I Hope You Dance”


November fourth; not just my nephews’ birthday, celebrated on a beautiful crisp fall Saturday, or the day I named my boxer Sadie, but Sadie Hawkins Day. I’m surprised the day is considered a holiday but named after the fictional character named Sadie Hawkins, whom cartoonist Al Capp created in his famous comic strip “Li’l Abner.”Continue reading ““Nae-naeing”?”

Zana Do’s & Don’ts

So many lists, so little time. That’s the OCD talking. Over here things to do, and over there … more things to do or not do, online everywhere you look. See, I already have us confused and turned around. Let me do an about face and get to the heart of the matter. Do this,Continue reading “Zana Do’s & Don’ts”

Less Psycho More Somatics!

Looking for a little less conversation and a lot more action … or, a lot less psycho and way more Somatics!? Since time has begun, our births, and possibly evolution, we’re still trying to learn and re-learn about our body’s “mechanics”, and how to “quick fix” our dysfunctions, more ways than one. And our languageContinue reading “Less Psycho More Somatics!”