Good (TGIF) Friday!

“May the spirit of Good Friday guide you towards a brighter path.” “May the grace of Good Friday touch your heart and soul.” “Thinking of you on this Good Friday and hoping it brings you inner peace.” “May the lessons of sacrifice and compassion resonate with you on this Good Friday.” “Sending you heavenly wishesContinue reading “Good (TGIF) Friday!”

A Vociferous Locomotive Breath

In today’s shuffling madness of the locomotive breath (or industry, industrials, or the indestructible), runs the all-time “loser” headlong to his death. Inspired, more ways than one; here, there, online everywhere … by skies of Wi-Fi, clouds of memories, and the lyrics of Jethro Tull’s ballad to trains, scary planes of existence, and God’s awesomeContinue reading “A Vociferous Locomotive Breath”